Join the group! WLMW 2020
We had a beautiful WLMW2019 and now the planning of 2020 already started. We are working on a date and searching for a place and new ideas – but the most important is missing: a new group for the preparation!
To develop some perspectives for the future of the WLMW and to start for the concrete planning for 2020 we set two weekends to meet. Everybody can and should join. It doesn’t matter if you just read the first time about that camp or if you’ve been part of it since the beginning – 10 years ago.
The Meeting to work on new perspectives is: 25.-27.10.2019
The theme is all around anti-discirmintaion: How can we lower barriers in whatever form to make the WLWM a place for more people to find comfort. One idea is to have a focused theme every year.
And the meeting to start the concrete planning for 2020 is: 8.-10.11.2019
All the needed and wanted knowledge from the groups of the last years gets transferred to the group 2020. When is what and why and how to do.
On both weekends it’d be amazing if you could already come on thursday and/or stay till monday.
The places are not fixed yet – so who has ideas, give them to us! Saxonia would be great for founding reasons. It should be a place that has a good access in different meanings: rather in the middle then the most north or most south of germany, not surrounded by the most know nazis, not to far from any public transport, and accessible with wheelchair.
Questions, critics, comments, ideas or you wanna join the mailinglists (there you will also get the information for the actual place for meetings) write: