Save the date

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Since we already got some questions about when the next camp will take place: This years camp will be from 29.07.2020 to 05.08.2020.

Currently we are concluding the consultations with our most likely location. So you can expect to find more information on our wesbite soon. 🙂

Your preparing group for the WLMW 2020

Join us! Help with the preparation of the WLMW 2020

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Join the group! WLMW 2020

We had a beautiful WLMW2019 and now the planning of 2020 already started. We are working on a date and searching for a place and new ideas – but the most important is missing: a new group for the preparation!

To develop some perspectives for the future of the WLMW and to start for the concrete planning for 2020 we set two weekends to meet. Everybody can and should join. It doesn’t matter if you just read the first time about that camp or if you’ve been part of it since the beginning – 10 years ago.

The Meeting to work on new perspectives is: 25.-27.10.2019

The theme is all around anti-discirmintaion: How can we lower barriers in whatever form to make the WLWM a place for more people to find comfort. One idea is to have a focused theme every year.

And the meeting to start the concrete planning for 2020 is: 8.-10.11.2019

All the needed and wanted knowledge from the groups of the last years gets transferred to the group 2020. When is what and why and how to do.

On both weekends it’d be amazing if you could already come on thursday and/or stay till monday.

The places are not fixed yet – so who has ideas, give them to us! Saxonia would be great for founding reasons. It should be a place that has a good access in different meanings: rather in the middle then the most north or most south of germany, not surrounded by the most know nazis, not to far from any public transport, and accessible with wheelchair.

Questions, critics, comments, ideas or you wanna join the mailinglists (there you will also get the information for the actual place for meetings) write:

Childcare wanted!

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Wanted: Childcare at Wer-lebt-mit-wem-Camp (15.-22.07.2019, ca. 4h/day, at least 9,50€/h)

Nous recherchons: Des personnes pour garder et accompagner les enfants du camp Wer-lebt-mit-wem (15.-22.07.2019, ca. 4h/day, minimum de 9,50€/h)

[en français au dessous]

Dear kindergarden teachers, childcare workers, social workers, fun-with-kids makers and all those who would like to be…

This year “Wer lebt mit wem” (Who lives with who) is happening again. It’s a queer*feminist summercamp which works with a bunch of diverse themes around family concepts, living together with younger and older people, political work and emancipatory empowerment. It will take place from July 15th-22nd in the Kommune Waltershausen (Thüringen). Alongside the exciting program, which is more for the adults, kids should also get the chance to build networks, talk with each other, exchange experiences and make a lot of mess with paints.

So we also worked on an ample program for kids and now we are looking for people who could imagine to accompany the kids during the camp.

Do you want to hang around with kids (mostly 1-8years) and work together on interesting projects? Great! Ideally, we are looking for people who have some experience with groups of children, maybe even educators or social workers?!

It’s important for us that you are in some way connected to queer and emancipatory themes, are aware of prejudices, and that you have fun and interest in working on those themes.
Since it is important for us to honor care work the same way as other workshop work, we will pay a little, called “Aufwandsentschädigung” (tax-free payments without any connection to the social system up to a certain amount in the year). You will work around 4h/day and we will pay no less than the minimum wage (9,50€/h) – how much exactly depends on how our overall financial plan will work out.

We have worked out a good concept which allows for proper breaks as well good time with the children and work preparation time. You will work in a team and talk with us about the amount of work and tasks you want to take. Therefore, we should meet once or twice before the camp. In case you don’t want to do childcare throughout the camp but have something else to offer, for example one workshop anything you can think of…please also contact us!

If you are interested write us by 04/01/2019 to and let us know a little about you. We look forward to meeting you!

All the best,
the kidsteam of the wer-lebt-mit-wem

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Chèr_e_s éducateur_trices,éducateurs_éducatrices specialisé_e_s et animateur_trices pour enfants et ceux_celles qui veulent le devenir…!

Le camp “Wer lebt mit wem?” (“Qui vit avec qui?”) aura lieu également cette année. Ce camp queer*feministe s’intéresse aux thèmes de la diversité des concepts de famille, de la vie quotidienne partagée de personnes jeunes et plus agées, del’activisme politique et de l’émancipation. Le camp aura lieu du 15 au 22 juillet dans la communauté de Waltershausen (Thuringe).

Parallèlement à un programme bien attractif organisé plutôt pour les adultes, les participant_e_s plus jeunes auront la possibilité d’échanger leurs experiences,de se réunir et de pouvoir se barbouiller avec de plein de couleurs pour disposer également d’activités pendant le camp.

Pour cette raison, nous avons organisé un programme rempli pour les enfants et nous cherchonsdes personnes qui peuvent s’imaginer accompagner les enfants pendant le camp.

Tu as envie de passer du temps avec des enfants (particulierement de 1-8ans) et de réaliser ensemble des projets intéressants? Notre idéal serait de trouver des personnes qui ont de l’expérience avec des groupes d’enfants ou peut-être meme qui travaillent comme éducateur_trices ou éducateur_tricesspecialisé_e_s?! Pour nous, c’est important que tu t’intéresses d’une manière ou d’une autre aux thèmes queer/ de la remise en question de préjugés/ de l’emancipation et que tu aies toi-même envie de travailler avec enthousiasme sur ces sujets.

Comme pour nous c’est aussi important d’estimer le “carework” (“le travail de reproduction”) que le travail de ceux qui proposent des ateliers, nous te proposerons une indemnité pour ton travail. Environ 4h/jour et la rémumération ne sera pas en dessous du salaire minimum (9,50€/h) – combien exactement dépend des réponses de demandes qui ont été déposées.

Nous avons développé un bon concept qui offre d’une part plus d’ espace pour des temps libres et un bon accompagnement tout comme une bonne préparation au travail. Tu travailleras dans une équipe et tu nous feras part de tes capacités de travail. Pour ces raisons ce sera nécessaire de se rencontrer une ou deux fois avant le camp.Si tu n’es pas intéressé_e par l’accompagnement des enfants de façon continue,mais tu veux proposer un atelier ou autre chose,contacte-nous!

Si tu es intéressé_e,écris-nous jusqu’au 01.04.2019 à

Nous serons très content_e_s de faire ta connaissance!

Salutations amicales,
le Kidsteam du Wer-lebt-mit-wem

lost and found

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The WLMW 2018 is over and, as always, not only beautifull memories are left behind, but also some stuff you might want to get back.
If you recognise one of the items below, just send a mail to: .

Out now: Flyers for WLMW 2018

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You can find the flyers in english and german on the sidebar. If you’re up for it, print some to give to your friends or to display in nice places. WLMW appreciates the support.